Hi, welcome, we're Mill + Gray!

Hey, friends!!! Welcome to Mill + Gray! We are so glad you are here! We wanted to introduce ourselves and kind of let you guys know why we started! So, here it goes. Basically, this whole thing started out as a dream for owner, Courtney Benton. A dream that only grew bigger over the last 7 years. 

Mill + Gray originates from a small town where there's a lot of small town trends, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But, personally, we wanted to offer other styles and trends that we weren't really seeing in our area. We wanted to offer styles that allow you to step outside the box and break the small town mold.
We offer a carefully curated collection of modern eclectic styles to get you to step outside the box to find your own personal style. One of our main goals is to help and inspire you to effortlessly be yourself. We want to help you showcase who you are by what you wear. And, we truly hope to inspire you to express yourself in ways that allow you to create your own personal style. Now, get to expressing your wonderful self girl!

 In addition to the awesome clothing and accessories we like to offer you, we also want to build a sisterhood of women supporting each other. We want to provide a space where women cannot only shop their hearts out, but also a space where women can connect and share their experiences, advice, friendships, etc. Enough with comparison! Let's work together to build each other up and help a sista out! Our motto is community over competition, or sisterhood over rivalry! We really hope you join us in celebrating this sisterhood and help us in growing it into what we know could be an amazing community of sistas!

Lastly, but most importantly, God is the number one reason for this dream coming true. There is no doubt about it. He instilled this dream in owner, Courtney Benton's heart, and it is her great pleasure to give Him all of the honor, glory, and praise. With that being said, it is of the highest importance to Mill + Gray that everyone hear the good news about Jesus. Our missionaries are sharing the good news all over the world, but they can always use more help to reach more and more people. When developing Mill + Gray, there was an urge to do more with the business, and we know that lives can be changed if we all work together to spread the Gospel in an effort to win more souls for the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father. With that being said, 10% of every purchase will go towards supporting missionaries around the world. We really hope that you will join us in this endeavor as well.

As always, thanks so much for all of the support and love! We truly appreciate every single one of you! And, we can't wait to see where God takes this dream! Oh, and, don't be afraid to show who you are! You were fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and the world needs who you were meant to be. So, be you!